Humanities Subject Guide

Humanities Subject Guide

Welcome to the Faculty of Humanities LibGuide. This LibGuide is suitable for students, staff and researchers in the faculty. It contains: E-journals, e-books and databases, referencing style, and plagiarism software.
Most printed books are found on open shelves. Development Studies 305-338
Historical Studies 069.53-069.5094 and 960.5
African Languages and Literature 810
English 400-428.995
Library and Information Studies 001-658.4038
Theology and Religious Studies 200-241
French 441.5-448

Materials such as Theses, Dissertations and students projects are found in Archives. Humanities publications such Thesis, Dissertations, Local Newspapers, Research Reports, Clippings, Budget Speeches, Academic and Non-Academic Seminar papers and conference papers are available in these units. Also Government Gazettes, Parliamentary Debates (Hansards), Ministerial Annual Reports are available.

Archival pieces and artifacts and museum collection are also there for example maps, Photos, Radio cassettes and video cassettes, and microfiches. The records on the history of the University since its inception to date are available for example, NUL Administrative, Fiscal, Legal and both Academic and Non Academic as well as students records. Sesotho books are also available in the archives. Diaries, treaties, constitutions, monograph series and photographs are also found in Archives and Documentation Centre. Published and unpublished (grey literature) are available in these two units. The challenge is that documents from these two units are not yet automated.

A reference list is a complete list of all the sources used when creating a piece of work. This list includes information about the sources like the author, date of publication, title of the source and more. Harvard referencing style is commonly used in humanities

Subject Librarians

Limakatso Lefalatsa
Ext: 7015

Makatleho Mafube
Ext: 7019