Science and Technology Subject Guide

Science and Technology Subject Guide

Welcome to the Science and Technology Guide. Within this guide you will find information on how to access library books and journals that are useful to students, lecturers and researchers in the Faculty of Science and Technology. If you want to search our library catalogue click here or should you need assistance in finding the information you need, feel free to send email here.

A thesis is a detailed report documenting the research work completed by a student for completion of a higher degree. The NUL Libraries hold masters and doctoral theses.

All these are available online through NUL institutional repository, NULIR and the print versions through the library catalogue, obtainable from the Archives section in the basement.

International theses

The thesis you need may be freely available on the web via

The NUL Library subscribes to many databases, giving you access to a huge number of journal articles, images, books, technical reports, dissertations, videos, and more.

Recommended databases for Science are:

ACM-Association for Computing Machinery Conference Proceedings Style: Numbered References

Please follow the link for help with putting together the reference list using ACM Referencing Style

Please follow the link for help with putting together the reference list using IEEE Referencing Style

Subject Librarians

Lebohang Lengoatha
Ext: 7032
Ithabeleng Phoofolo
Ext: 7007

Assistant Subject Librarian