Our Services


A facility whereby bona fide clients are allowed to borrow library materials either within or outside the library premises for specified time and conditions.

  1. All undergraduate students (2 books/titles for 2 weeks)
  2. 5th year students as within the Faculties of Law, Science & Technology and Health Sciences (5 book/titles for 3 weeks)
  3. Postgraduate students (5 books/titles for 3 weeks)
  4. Part-time students during their residential:
    • undergraduates (3 books/title for 2 weeks)
    • postgraduates (5 books/title for 3 weeks)
  5. Visiting Research Fellows and/or Affiliates students, (to depend on the type of affiliation and length of stay at NUL)
  6. Students who are writing research projects during the vacation will be entitled to borrow two (2) books for two (2) weeks

Overnight Study

  • There is a space at the entrance of the Library that is used for reading/discussion purposes for 24hrs a day 7 days a week (24/7)

Mobile Library

  • Running in collaboration with Participatory Initiative for Social Accountability (PISA ) Lesotho.

Binding Services

  • This is a facility for repairing and binding of materials. It is situated in the basement of the Library, next to the Internet Café.